JJ tempts fate by choosing his chores
Ah yes, chores....
Chores and daily cleanup and maintenance is very important when living in an RV full time. You cannot allow clutter to build up, or the dishes left undone. Now, in our family, everyone pitches in. Everyone has an assigned job duty until yesterday.
You see, we started to hear grumbling. Grumbling turned into whining. Whining turned to shear frustration on the part of Jen and myself. It seems that there are more desirable chores than others. I guess some chores are more fun and take less time depending on minion doing them.
So Jen and I gave them the boot... a boot filled with pieces of paper with a chore written upon it.
"Choose and Perish..."
So, the minions got their assigned duties by lottery. In that way, they allowed 'fate' to decide which chore they received. That worked for the most part. Some where happy, some were resigned to the choice given. At least this took the blame off of Jen and I for assigning duties. I guess at times we assigned duties based upon overall productivity. Some washed dishes, vacuumed, or cleared the table better than others and Jen and I might have the tendency to assign tasks based on who performed which chore best.
A reward for good behavior... frozen yogurt!
This came out of the thought of how to get the RV cleaned up the most efficiently. At times this meant children doing these mundane chores over and over. However, that didn't sit well with our minion nation. Their revolt and cries for fairness, prompted a change.
In the end, all was settled. We had peace in our little house on wheels.
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