Cooking with all the conveniences of home
Well after a long day of work, I head home to our camp. After a year on the road consulting, you cannot imagine how good a home cooked meal sounds. As a consultant you spend your evenings searching for something new or stick to the same old food chains. Worst is the immersion of fast food day in a day out. Much like the college fifteen, consultants on average do the consultant forty. Long hours, inactivity, stress, all combine to push your health toward a downward spiral.
Road schooling, the advantage of having my kids with me wherever I go means home cooked meals. It allows us to prepare healthy options and consciously plan our meals throughout the week! One added benefit that comes from consulting is that I do get paid a per deim. Carefully planning meals and bringing my own lunch box (my awesome camo cooler) allows me to bank the per deim which allows for fun and adventures at little or no cost to us.
We have all the modern conveniences of home. Stove, microwave, well stocked fridge and freezer, along with outdoor grill round out our kitchen and necessaries. A decent pantry combined with some creative storage options enable us to meet the needs of a family of six. We even have opportunities to teach chemistry, math, history, and even geography by teaching the children how to cook.
Tonight was collard greens, cantaloupe, and lean strip stake. Home cooked meals beat any five star joint hands down!
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