Come on... Stop drooling!
Off to work. Early in the morning and my wife got up with me and made me probably my most favorite breakfast in the world. "An omelet, light and fluffy...", to quote one of my favorite VeggieTales videos. Rounding it out with Dunkin' Donuts Coffee and fresh blueberries from the farmers market!
Before you start screaming at me for 'making' Jen get up and make me breakfast, I have to say it is a true blessing that Jen is more than willing to help me. I roll out of bed, shower, get dressed and have to be on the road in short order. My drive to the client site is a bit far from our campsite. We looked at others sites but they either didn't have room, or had less than admirable reviews online. We are pretty content with our location. While the drive makes my twelve hour day of work that much longer, a peaceful and restful place to call our home while on the road makes it worth it.
Uno and Minion 'Miss Mayham' find a frog
So Jen helps me tremendously by making me breakfast. It allows me to eat a healthy and well rounded breakfast without having to worry about fast food, junk food that is readily available at work, or other less than healthy options. With her help, I have been able to lose twenty seven pounds and keep it off!
Jen makes 'Arrakis' home everyday. From homeschooling, and keeping up with things, Jen has a lot on her hands. But we are having fun! Even when greeted with the dreaded 'black pyramid' as I arrived home today. For those who don't know about the 'black pyramid', it is what happens when the sewer backs up at the drain pipe and piles up behind it.
Luckily we have a black water flush system. Hooked up the water hose to the system and ran it for about fifteen minutes to flush it out. Problem solved. It is those little things added to our camper that make it easy to maintain and solve the simple problems. Quick and easy, on to more fun.
One other thing... the door latch on our camper seemed very difficult to open last night. I was constantly getting up to open the door as the kids were coming back from playing or riding their bikes. Frustrated, I grabbed one of the most important tools in any mans arsenal... WD40. With a few squirts in the lock mechanism and along the latch and the problem was solved.
And the hero for the day is..... Still Jen. One door fix still doesn't outweigh breakfast awesomeness.
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