One fishing excursion... One Bluegill
This weekend began like what most people consider normal. Sleep in a little bit, have breakfast, and then off to activities, honey do's, and a little shopping. For me, it meant a trip to the barber shop. I haven't been to one in a while. There just hasn't been a bunch of time for me to get away due to all the work supporting our latest Epic go live at the Sisters of St. Francis.
That said, I am happy to find a great barber shop in the Meijer's store in Michigan City. Most barber shops I frequent are usually from older men, giving old hair cuts, no frills and pay the bill. This time was different. I was greeted at the door with three men sitting in what appeared to be very comfortable leather furniture, a nice flats screen television on the wall, and fun conversation shared.
The most impressive part of the experience was with the detail, and care they took in the cut. Not only did they cut the hair, he went into precision mode and trimmed my beard and mustache, finishing with a straight razor. You don't find that kind of attention to detail and care these days. I was blown away. To top all that, he charged a fair price to boot. I walked out with the best shave and a hair cut I have ever experienced. Sadly, I wish that he was my go to barber in the future. Well, at least he can be for the short term. I am actually looking forward to another visit next weekend.
During the day, we had Pete's RV service out to the site. They fixed my outside kitchen door, the step ladder to the bunk bed, and some decorative railing that had fallen down. I understand things have to be light in order for them to be towed, just wish they were sturdier. Thank goodness for warranties. It did cost me to have the person drive out to do the work because we couldn't just pack up the camper and drop it off. Lucky for us, they do that kind of service. Thanks Pete's RV again for going the extra mile!
That evening was filled with me taking Dos and Tres to the local fishing hole. It is catch and release which is fine. I didn't really feel like cleaning a mess of fish in the first place. The minions had a blast. Learning to cast and getting their first nibbles. I on the other hand didn't get to fish much. Much of my time was spent fixing their lines, teaching them to cast, and adding hot dogs on the hook.
Yep, hot dogs. Those are some happy fish with the hot dogs falling off the hooks. However, I have been told by several people that these fish really like hot dogs and don't take kindly to the old fashion worm. I have tried on a couple of occasions using spinners and other lures with no luck. Good old fashioned hook and bobber did the trick.
Our evening finished with one catch, a nice bluegill. The kids enjoyed looking at it and touching it a couple of times. I think they were more excited to see me throw it back than reeling it in on one of the few times I got a moment to throw a line out for myself. We finished the evening with a couple reel foul ups and I decided that it was time for me to head to Arrakis due to low light. The kids got to ride in the back of the truck. Before the parent nazis yell at me, I was only going five miles per hour from the pond to the homestead.
Today was an interesting day. We got up early and headed to church at Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast. It is a church started by some close friends we met in Tulsa, OK. It was a good service, and they always have a meal afterward. It is nice to be able to get together, break bread, and share a good laugh. It makes for a filling day. After a great service, meal, and overall visiting, we headed back. I had a splitting headache. I decided that I would head for a nice nap.
That didn't work out so well. Jen and the kids going in and out the door made my head ache more. You know that place where you are almost asleep, just not quite there, and WHAM. That was the extent of my nap. After failing miserably, Jen let me know that dinner was ready. I was up for that. She had a a crock pot cooking and it filled the camper with a luxurious aroma.
After dinner, we decided to move the camper a little forward because it was getting more and more unlevel. This was due to rain, and the ground sloping. It wasn't the best spot by far to choose, but we didn't have a choice in the first place. After the move, we were greeted with trouble. Our toilet had back filled some how. Unfortunately, attempts to get it to go the other direction wasn't successful. In one last ditch effort, it spilled out onto the floor. I was able to get it unclogged, then had to deal with the mess.
Jen and I worked like a precision strike team and got it all cleaned up. We cleaned up the mess, heavily cleaned with a bleach solution and took the offending cleaning materials and clothing (minions left on the floor) to the wash. Suffice to say, it has been an interesting weekend. My headache and ensuing migraine has passed. I got to watch a Star Trek film and life is good.
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