Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Seasons and change

Dos enjoying ice cream from Bubbles

Well our time up in Northern Indiana has come to a close. We will be transitioning to our next location in Indianapolis Indiana. The saddest part about this lifestyle is that you make acquaintances, meet lots of new people, and have fun experiences, and at some time, you just have to walk away. Much like leaving Disneyland without riding all the rides, it feels like you haven't yet begun to experience all there is to see and do.

We definitely feel like that with our church friends at Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast. What a great fellowship there. Sadly, we will have to be moving on. We pray that God continues to bless them and their ministry. Hopefully we will find a solid church with a heart of fellowship in our new location.

That said, I believe our experiment is not going to end with this month! Jen and the kids have agreed that an extended stay is in order. The kids are having a blast. They love the travel, the experiences, and the freedom to ride their bikes just about everywhere. I enjoy having my family with me while I travel. So as long as we can muster it, we will continue this little adventure and see where it takes us!

You see, I finally got it this morning! There is more freedom in my 300 square feet than your 3000 square foot McMansion! Here is why...

If I don't like my neighbors.... I can move
If I don't like the weather...... I can move
If I don't like how the sun hits my face the wrong way in the morning... I can move
If I don't like the homeowners association(we don't have any)............  I can move
If the drunk rednecks across the street decide to light fireworks at all hours in the night.... I can move

I have more freedom in my choices, in where I go, than being locked in on a mortgage, a home, or permanent place.


  1. I love your quote up there..."If I don't like..." I'm envious of you and your family to do this. My wife and I have been working on a plan to take the kids and go out on the road like you. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. Take small steps, but take the step. We started with a cheap rv and a river camp and found ways to make it work. My wife wasn't on board, my kids didn't want to do it, but after the experience and a few short trials, we all enjoyed it. Now we will winter in our brick and mortar home because I cannot work 100%remote, but I will be making that transition soon. As soon as I do, we will be on the road full time. If I were starting out, get out there as cheaply as possible and start weekending. We found it so relaxing and fun that we wanted to do it every weekend. The peace you get is awesome. Just thinking about today, I got home late from working at a client hospital. I came home to a hot meal and kids ready to see me and tell me about their day. Then we got to go outside and enjoy the peace and quiet, and enjoy just being a family. No stress, no agendas, just peace.
